Keller Williams Realty - Lucas Toro
Licenza #: 252260 - KY / Real Estate Agent a Lucas Toro Remarkable Homes
Ogni ufficio Keller Williams® è di proprietà e gestione indipendente.
I miei dati
LINGUE English, Spanish
AFFILIAZIONE MILITARE Veteran - United States United States Marine Corps
CENTRO MERCATO Keller Williams Realty

Su di me

Why Choose Me As Your Agent?

I am the one that start conversations and lead the dance line. Never afraid to be BOLD for my clients which I consider family. I had the pleasure of spending the first 2 decades of my work life learning the secrets of negotiation, building relationships and earning people's trust with actions. I know in life, family comes first and success and achievements are just different levels of satisfaction. There is no bigger satisfaction than helping someone find their dream home or simply slim down to enjoy retirement. Even selling to upgrade! I have the pleasure of speaking both Spanish and English. Starting a "rumba" and photography are my hobbies. Beside me are my beautiful wife Liza, my amazingly smart daughter Cristina and our handsome and taller than me son Lucas Jr.

Let me be the one that shows you what Remarkable looks like!

Assured Home Inspections
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Lucas Toro
Numero di licenza: 252260
Lucas Toro Remarkable Homes

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Keller Williams Realty
7210 Turfway Road Florence KY 41042

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